Can we, solely, rely on motivation to lead us to our goals?
Welcome to the 19th edition of the ABS audio newsletter. Today we will discuss the concept of motivation. What it is, how it can help us, how long it generally lasts, how to sustain its longevity. Ultimately seeking to discern what other systems we might employ to yield long term adherence to exercise, dietary changes or really anything in life.
What is motivation? Motivation is defined as: the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. This is why I ask for the “Why” behind someone’s goals. The power and depth of a person’s why can give some insight into how robust (and potentially how long) a person’s motivation will last. Additionally, a person’s resolve in their “why” varies greatly between individuals which can also add variation to the equation.
With all these factors at play the length and strength of one’s motivation can be quite enigmatic. However, I can tell you, regardless it is a finite resource. External variables can also play a role in its rate of exhaustion. I’ve found it’s best practice to have a system in place beyond simple motivation to maximize success rate in coaching and in life.
This is where habit formation and daily structure are vital. These components help, immeasurably, in the nurturing process of one’s self discipline. That is where the true staying power to achieve long term goals resides. The building and execution of a well laid plan and structure instills routine and can be repeated more easily after habit formation. Within that structure we can also create sub-goals which litter the timeline to help replenish motivation.
We should strive to put all these pieces together.
The outline of our conversation:
1. General intro
2. Motivation
3. Benefits and Downsides of motivation
4. Establishing structure and cultivating discipline
5. Closing and motivation sendoff!
I greatly appreciate your viewership; catch you all in the comments. Stay tuned for the 20th issue next week!