The Pros and Cons of High Intensity Training
Welcome to the 29th edition of the ABS audio newsletter. Today we will discuss a training style popularized in the 1970’s and still sees significant discussion today. That training is HIT or High Intensity Training. Originally popularized by Arthur Jones it became more mainstream as some big names in bodybuilding also adopted the core tenants. These top bodybuilders most well known are likely Mike Mentzer and Dorian Yates. However, as we know, just because someone had great success with something doesn’t mean it’s optimal or even necessarily wise for most.
Fig 1: Mike Mentzer
Lets cover our basic explanation to start. HIT training has 3 core principles.
Short duration but highly intense workouts.
Exercises are performed to failure (RIR 0) to maximize set stimulus.
Low Volume with only 1 or 2 sets to failure per movement.
Fig 2: Dorian Yates
Do I think this training style is ideal or optimal? No, in fact, I don’t even think its close. But there are some pretty clear cut pros and cons to this training for all that choose to do it. Join me in the audio portion to discuss the nuances of HIT; the pros, cons, and my ultimate conclusion on the modality as a whole.
The outline of our conversation:
1. General intro.
2. Pros of HIT.
3. Cons of HIT.
4. Who might be able to get great results with this?
5. A great like Dorian did it; why isn’t it a great method for most to follow?
6. My final thoughts and motivation sendoff!
I greatly appreciate your viewership; catch you all in the comments. Stay tuned for the 30th issue next week!